
Curs de Cristal.litzacions al meu taller del 23 al 26 de Gener 2024


Curs al meu estudi a Albons del 23 al 26 de gener- 450 EUROS

Curs intensiu per a aprendre la tecnica de les Cristal.litzacions Materials inclosos

Donaré tota la informació necessaria per tal que pogueu aprendre aquesta tècnica tant en oxidació com en reducció.

amb el meu ajut aprendreu a preparar esmalts i veureu en directa com preparo els meus forns. Vosaltres mateixos preparareu esmalts i esmaltareu. Hi haurá diverses demostracions.

Compartiré moltes de les meves receptes d’esmalts.

Intentrem que tothom pugui endur-se com a mínim dues peces esmaltades durant el curs. Si queda lloc al forn també podeu aportar alguna peça de porcellana o gres vostra i l’ esmaltarem. Consulteu-me.

Podem oferir allotjament en uns apartaments propers al taller per 170 euros 3 nits.

Afegiu al carret la reserva i ens en encarreguem de tot.

Consulteu-nos i voleu un allotjament privat.

Cost? El curs complert té un cost de 450 euros.


Tota la informació que us donarem i els materials. L’ allotjament té un cost a part i no incloem àpats. El dimarts comencem a les 15 hores fins les 18:30 aprox.

de dimecres a dijous comencem a les 9 fins les 13. després tenim una pausa per dinar i seguidament treballarem de 15 a 17:30

Divendres un cop obrim el darrer forn acabem el curs L’ horari del divendres és aproximat, tot depén de l’ obertura del darrer forn. aprox. acabem sobre les 13-14 hores.

El curs es pre principiants? Cal tenir experiència?

No cal tenir experiència. Pensem que es un curs molt didàctic i que tothom en treu profit.

Com hem de pagar?

Es paguen 200 euros com a paga i senyal per a confirmar la plaça

El que falta es paga abans del curs per transferencia, bizzum, paypal o bé el primer dia del curs cash. Consulteu-nos si teniu dubtes. Deixem altres FAQs a sota en anglés però per a tot dubte que tingueu ens podeu consultar per email.

Can I bring my children?

No, our courses are reserved for adults. However, if you are on holiday with your partner and children, you can rent a full appartment for you. If you are interested just let us know.

My partner is not taking part at the course but would like to stay in the appartmentsa. Is that possible?

Yes, that is possible. You then pay a supplement for the stay (accommodation).

What is the maximum number of participants?

In general, twelve. It depends a bit on the course.

Can I be picked up from the train station?

We are happy to pick you up from the station Figueres Vilafant ( AVE Station- Fast Train ) Just let us know which train you will be taking. We usually organize a pick up on the first day of the workshop at 14:30 h, to be able to arrive in time for the workshop. We can also help you to go to the Train Station on friday after the workshop.

Which airport is the nearest?

Girona . From there you can rent a car or a taxi to the train/bus station. There are bus service from Girona to Albons. From Barcelona airport we suggest just rent a car or travel by train to Figueres Vilafant Station.

Payment and Refund Policy

A deposit is required at registration. After submitting the registration form, you may proceed with the payment on-line.

You may withdraw within 14 days of registration without incurring in any penalties and will have the deposit fully refunded. No refund of deposits past 14 days of registration,

Address of the studio:

C/ Migdia 10

17136 Albons – Spain


Any questions or inquiries please contact:

235,00 IVA incl.
